In order to carry out its activities, SDM has various business units: the head office in the city of Aracruz, called CSA (Centro de Serviços Aracruz); a subsidiary in the city of São Mateus and a spin-off called SDM Development and Innovation – SDM DI, in the city of Vitória, specialized in developing projects for new products. All units are located in Espírito Santo state.

The Services Centers are prepared to provide all administrative, management and technical support for contract maintenances, services of project execution and rotary maintenance.

The company maintains in its services center an administrative office and its own factory equipped with modern mechanical equipment such as bore milling machine, lathe, radial drill, shaping machine, mandrel, etc.

Emphasis on the company´s tool room sector, which has all the apparatus liable to execute the operational activities in time and under conditions requested by clients and in accordance with the requirements of health and work safety.